Biofeedback Resources International

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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

After watching the consecutive concussions suffered by Miami Dolphins quarterback, Tua Tagovailoa, my friend Jorge Palacios had a discussion about concussions and neurofeedback/QEEG.

Relaxed and Safe Driving

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017

There are some sources of stress we can avoid and there are some that are much more difficult to avoid. If you drive then you face what can be very stressful on a regular basis. Most of us believe that we are excellent drivers. It’s those other "idiots" (or worse) who don’t know how to drive. Either they drive too fast, too slow or something else. It is fortunate for me that the drive to my office is only 5 minutes from my home, unless it is rush hour, yes we have a rush hour in tiny Ossining, NY. I should probably walk more often since that would only take 20 minutes. The excuse I usually make is that I have too much stuff to carry if I walk. That could be worked around with a little planning. Since the weather is nice now I will make a commitment to walk to work more often until winter. Many people have a commute of one hour or more one way. Multi-ply that by 5 days and you get at least ten hours of driving just to get to and from work. Besides our work commute there is driving to the store, running errands, going to din-ner and other entertainment, vacations, business trips and more. Those of you who are drivers may spend a lot of time in the car. Many of your cli-ents spend a lot of time in the car.
The last time that I took a defensive driving course I de-cided that I should comment on stress related to driving. Even though I have been driv-ing since I was sixteen years old I always learn something at these sessions. Here are some road rage statistics from the American Safety Council
66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving.
 37% of aggressive driving incidents involve a firearm.
 Males under the age of 19 are the most likely to exhibit road rage. Half of drivers who are on the  receiving end of an aggressive behavior, such as horn honking, a rude gesture, or tailgating admit to respond-ing with aggressive behavior themselves.
 Over a seven year period, 218 murders and 12,610 inju-ries were attributed to road rage.
One scary statistic worth not-ing is:
2% of drivers admit to trying to run an aggressor off the road!
We are never the problem right?
Take this quiz that the American Safety Council offers:
Do you regularly drive over the speed limit, or try to "beat" red lights because you are in a hurry?
Do you tailgate or flash your headlights at a driver in front of you that you believe is driving too slowly?
Do you honk the horn often?
Do you ever use obscene ges-tures or otherwise communi-cate angrily at another driver?
Any yes answer is an indication that you are capable of road rage. Often road rage happens because the person was under stress unrelated to driving. Traffic and the actions of other drivers can add to stress, which then blows up when a driver thinks that someone else on the road has offended them whether intentional or not.
I do a lot of driving and I also find that it can be stressful. I have learned several things to help make the experience more relaxed and safe. I would like to share some of them with you. I hope they are help-ful for you and maybe you can share them with your clients.
Leave Early Allow extra time to get to your desti-nation. If you get there early you can use the extra time to relax, read, or listen to music before you get started with work, your meeting, or your appointment. You won’t have the extra pressure of the possibility of being late.
Let the person who cut you off go. You don’t really gain anything by "getting them back" You don’t lose anything by "letting them get away with it".
Have plenty of audio re-cordings of material that you want to learn, audio books, and music you love in your car. It helps pass the time when you’re stuck in traffic and can have a positive effect on your mood.
Check the muscle tension in your hands, shoulders, and neck. Release extra tension.
Practice diaphragmatic breathing at red lights and in traffic.
Remember the goal is get there safely.
For more information on stress management and stress management tools please visit you can also subscribe to our newsletter biofeedback maters.
Check out our Facebook Page and YouTube channel at Biofeedback Resources.
Thank you.

Less Stress for the Holidays

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016

Less Stress for the Holidays
The start of the holiday season is upon us.  This should be a wonderful time to look forward to and yet many people experience this as one of the most stressful times of the year.  What makes it stressful? The crowds and expense of shopping, the traffic, spending time with people who get on your nerves – shall I go on?  I’m sure you could easily add to my list.
What can you do to make it less stressful?
Give thanks. The season starts with the Thanksgiving holiday.  Take some time to actually give thanks for all of the things that you are blessed with.  All of us kind find at least a few things to be thankful for.  Here is a list of things you can pick through to find something that applies to you:
A place to live
Food to eat
A job
Good Health
Clothes to wear
A car or bus or train fare
The ability to walk
Now I know there may be some who don’t have all of these things but I believe that there are few who don’t have at least one. 
Spend some time thinking about what the holidays are supposed to be about. 
You may get the opportunity to see some people that you hardly ever see.  Even if you don’t always get along great take it for what it is worth and find something enjoyable about spending time with them.  Remember the holidays don’t last forever.  It will soon be over and we all get back to our regular lives starting off a new year.  Don’t make it bigger than it is.
Remember to breathe.  If you start to feel stressed find a place you can be alone for a few minutes and take a few slow deep breaths to take the edge off and then rejoin the group.
If you set your mind to enjoy the holidays you probably will.

Wednesday Dec 16, 2015

You wouldn’t want to have to make that choice for
children.  Many children diagnosed with
ADHD are prescribed medications to help with the symptoms.  Some popular medications in use are Ritalin,
Concerta and Adderall.  These medications
are helping some people.  The drug
companies themselves are listing sleep problems as a possible side effect.
According to a November 23, 2015 online article in
Pediatrics, research analysis led by Katherine Kidwell of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln found that children given stimulants tended to have sleep
problems more often.  One of the studies
compared the sleep of children given methylphenidate (generic Ritalin) with
children given a placebo.  The children
who took the generic Ritalin slept an average of 20 minutes less per
night.  They also found that taking a
stimulant medication more often during the day caused a child to take longer to
fall asleep at night.
Dr. Trevor Resnick, who is chief of pediatric neurology at
Nicklaus Children’s  Hospital in Miami
says that it is extremely important  that
all children get a good night’s sleep for healthy brain development.  It is his belief that only a small percentage
of children will develop problems related to ADHD medications though. 
I believe based on experience and reading that many
attention problems may be due to poor sleep. 
If the brain is tired it is not going to work as efficiently.  It is harder to learn, focus, and pay
attention when you are sleep deprived.  Some
problems are due to children not getting enough sleep.  This can be caused by going to bed too
late.  As Dr. Michael Thompson of the ADD
Centre in Toronto Canada says, another problem is that before many kids go to
bed they are watching stimulating TV programs and playing stimulating video
games.  When they finally do go to bed
their brains are still too stimulated for quality sleep for some time.  Most children also have to wake up very early
to get to school on time.  That doesn’t
help things either.  Now this research
review is showing that the medications intended to improve attention and
hyperactivity symptoms may cause sleep problems in some of the children they
are intended to help.   
Many parents are now seeking alternatives methods of helping
their children with ADHD symptoms. 
Neurofeedback therapy is one option.  
Neurofeedback uses EEG biofeedback instruments that measure and feedback
the electrical signals from the brain. 
The information is fed back in a way that helps a person learn how to
regulate their brain activity.  Some of
the brainwaves are slower like the ones that are present more during
sleep.  Others are faster like the ones
present more while solving a math problem. 
The power of these waves are sometimes out of balance in people with
ADHD.  Neurofeedback can help a person
learn how to rebalance these brainwaves. 
This can lead to improvement in symptoms.
For listings of certified neurofeedback providers visit and click on the consumers tab and
select find a practitioner.   If you are
interested in becoming a provider you can visit our website and start by taking
a free online introduction to neurofeedback course here:
Harry L. Campbell
President, Biofeedback Resources International
Author of the book “What Stress Can Do”


Stressed Out Students SOS

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015

College students are stressed out.  Listen to this message about why and what is being done about it.S.O.S.
Stressed Out
Students Before young people
join us in the adult work and family responsibility world they are already
experiencing the effects of stress from the academic world.  College life is not a full time party for all
students.  There is a lot of pressure to
study, hand in assignments on time, and perform well on exams.  Students and or their parents usually have a
huge financial investment which is at risk if they don’t do well.  Most also have the stress of looking forward
to graduating with a large amount of student loan debt.  They are also already worrying about the
challenge of competing with the masses to find a job after graduation.
According to a May
27, 2015 New York Times article anxiety is the most common mental health
problem of college students.  A study by
the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State revealed that more than
half of 100,000 students indicate that anxiety is a health concern for
them.  A survey by the American College
Health Association showed that more than 16 percent of college students have
been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety within the last year.  These are numbers of people who actually seek
help.  Usually with mental health issues
including anxiety many people do not seek help. 
Considering this, the problem is even greater.   Many colleges and
universities have counseling centers to help students with problems like
anxiety and depression.  Some of them are
beginning to reach or surpass their capacity. 
 Counseling centers
offer individual and group therapy, mindfulness training, stress kits including
things like stress balls that you squeeze as a way to relieve stress, and pet
therapy.  Some also offer biofeedback which
uses technology to measure things like muscle tension, heart rate, breathing,
sweat, and brainwave activity. 
Biofeedback shows a person the levels of these signals so that they can
become more aware of the changes and learn how to regulate them by the power of
their own mind.  This gives them a sense
of control which is key in reducing anxiety. 
If you feel that you have no control in a situation you feel more
anxious.  When you feel like you have
some control in a situation it helps to reduce anxiety.   Students need to have stress management
assistance made available to them to help them to maintain or regain their
mental health as well as perform at their best in their studies. 
For a free stress
card and other free information on stress management text STRESS to 55469
Harry L. CampbellPresident,
Biofeedback Resources International
Author of the book
“What Stress Can Do”

Monday Apr 01, 2013

Temperature biofeedback is just one way to measure how we
react to stress. 
What does temperature have to do with stress?  When you become stressed your body goes
through what is called the fight or flight response.  During this process your body goes through
many changes to prepare to react physically to the real or perceived threat by
fighting or running.  Some of the changes
that happen include increased sweating, heart rate, and muscle tension.  Another change that happens is constriction
of blood vessels.  This is the change
that allows us to use temperature biofeedback.
During stress the smooth muscles in the blood vessels in
your hands and feet contract.  This
causes the blood vessels to be constricted. 
With the inside opening of the blood vessels now smaller, less blood
gets through.  Since your blood is warm,
when there is less blood flowing through the blood vessels, your hands and feet
become colder.  Think of the term “cold
feet”.  The opposite is also true.  When you relax, the blood vessels dilate as
the smooth muscles in them relax.  As
more blood circulates through the blood vessels your hands become warmer.  So when your hands are warm it can mean that
you are more relaxed.  It is not a 100%
sure way to tell though.  There are other
things that can affect your hand temperature like medications that dilate or
constrict blood vessels, caffeine, smoking, exercise, or even room or
environment temperature.
We can use any of several types of temperature biofeedback
tools to see changes in hand temperature. 
Stress dots and stress cards change color as temperature changes.  You can stick an adhesive dot on your finger
and watch as the color changes when your hands get warmer or cooler.  You can hold your thumb on the color
sensitive circle or square on a stress card to see changes in color.  You can see the exact temperature to one
tenth of a degree on a digital temperature feedback monitor.  These are more sensitive and accurate than
the dots or cards.    Another low cost
option are small glass thermometers on cardboard backing.  In temperature biofeedback the goal is to
increase your hand temperature to 94 degrees Fahrenheit.  You can learn to increase your hand
temperature though using relaxation exercises including diaphragmatic
breathing, autogenic relaxation, and guided imagery.
There are also more sophisticated temperature biofeedback
instruments that connect to a computer or smart phone.  These display the temperature changes up to
1/100th of one degree digitally, with line or bar graphs, audio
feedback and games that progress depending on the temperature changes. 
Using temperature biofeedback:
1) Check your hand temperature using your temperature
biofeedback device.
2) Record your starting temperature.
3) Begin doing a relaxation exercise.
4) Watch for any temperature changes.
5) Continue for 5 – 20 minutes
6) Record your ending temperature
Repeat this practice for 20 sessions from 1 time per day to
3 times per week. 
Keep a log of your practice sessions including the date and
time, your starting temperature, your ending temperature, and the length of
your practice session.

Use graph paper to plot your starting and ending temperature
readings.  You should see an increase in
The lower cost, smaller items can be used in stress
management or relaxation groups.  You can
learn to turn off the stress response and turn on the relaxation response by
using temperature biofeedback. 
To learn more about how to get temperature biofeedback tools
visit  Harry L. CampbellPresident, Biofeedback Resources International Corp.Ossining, NY

Tuesday Sep 25, 2012

Using EMG Biofeedback for Tension
Excess muscle tension can be the source of many headaches.  Headache medication sometimes doesn’t work
and often comes along with unwanted side effects, in some cases even inducing
more headaches (rebound headaches) which create a vicious cycle requiring more
medication followed by more headaches. 
Tension headache sufferers often don’t realize that they are
holding excess tension in their facial, neck, and upper back muscles.  Muscles are intended to generate movement and
maintain posture.  Muscles contract to
create movement.  When the movement is
completed, the muscle should return to a relaxed state.  When muscles remain contracted after movement
is completed the muscle becomes overworked and irritated.  This can trigger pain.  Tension headache pain usually is triggered by
excess tension in face muscles, including those around the eyes, in the
forehead, scalp, temples, and jaw.  The
muscles in the scalp are also connected to the neck and upper back where the source
of the problem may also be found.  When
we use EMG biofeedback for tension headaches, adhesive sensors are placed on
the site that we want to record from. 
The sites normally used are forehead – frontalis.  Sensors are placed across the forehead directly
above the eyebrows (active) and the ground directly above the bridge of the
nose in a straight line.  We can
substitute a headband for the adhesive sensors when we are measuring EMG from
the forehead.  The sensors are attached
to an EMG biofeedback instrument.  Some
of the instruments are self-contained and the feedback information is given by
lights and sounds that indicate even small changes in the level of tension in
the muscles that we are recording from.  Other
instruments are connected to a computer and give even more detailed feedback
including line graphs and bar graphs. 
The computer systems can also store data and print reports.  The person then uses the feedback information
to become more aware of the level of tension and how it changes based on what
they are doing.  We can detect tension in
the forehead, around the eyes, in the jaw, tongue, lips, scalp, temples, and
even the throat.  The person learns how
to relax all of these muscles through a combination of the direct feedback from
the instrument, relaxation exercises like progressive muscle relaxation, and
the coaching and encouragement provided by the biofeedback therapist.  Sessions are provided at the biofeedback provider’s
office 1-3 times per week for 6-20 sessions. 
It is strongly recommended that the person also practice muscle
relaxation and control at home.   Home
biofeedback instruments may be rented or purchased for this purpose.  As the person learns how to notice when they
are tensing their muscles and how to release the tension, the intensity and
frequency of their headaches tends to decrease. 
Other biofeedback modalities like skin temperature may also be
used.  That’s about it.  Unlike medication there are no negative
side-effects.  The possible positive
side-effects include less neck, upper back, and jaw pain, better ability to
relax, better muscle control for sports, and more energy.  That’s not bad at all!
For more information on biofeedback providers, biofeedback
training, and biofeedback instruments check the following resources:
– A website with resources for personal biofeedback and stress management
products and services
– A website for professional biofeedback equipment and training – A website
with information on biofeedback for consumers and professionals – A website
with listings of certified biofeedback providers and information on
certification for professionals – A website
with listings of biofeedback providers in the northeast USA as well as other
biofeedback related information
Article by Harry L. Campbell
President, Biofeedback Resources International Corp
Twitter: Biofeedbackman
Facebook: Biofeedback Resources International
Linked-In Harry L. Campbell
Please refer to the following for more information on
biofeedback for tension headaches:
Nestoriuc, Y., Martin, A., Rief, W. & Andrasik, F.
(2008). Biofeedback treatment for headache disorders: A comprehensive efficacy
review.Preview Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 33(3), 125-140.
Andrasik, F. (2007). What does the evidence show? Efficacy
of behavioural treatments for recurrent
headaches in adults. Neurological Sciences, 28, Suppl 2,
Arena, J.G., Bruno, G.M., Hannah, S.L., & Meader, K.J.
(1995). Comparison of frontal
electromyographic biofeedback training, trapezius
electromyographic biofeedback training, and
progressive muscle relaxation therapy in the treatment of
tension headache. Headache, 35(7), 411-419.
Arndorfer, R.E., & Allen, K.D. (2001). Extending the
efficacy of a thermal biofeedback treatment
package to the management of tension-type headaches in
children. Headache, 41(2), 183-92.
Blanchard, E.B., & Kim, M. (2005). The effect of the
definition of menstrually related headache on the
response to biofeedback treatment. Applied Psychophysiology
and Biofeedback, 30(1), 53-63.
Ciancarelli, I., Tozzi-Ciancarelli, M.G., Spacca, G., Di
Massimo, C., & Carolei, A. (2007). Relationship
between biofeedback and oxidative stress in patients with
chronic migraine. Cephalalgia, 27(10),
Conner, S.J., & Rideout, S. (2005). What are the best
therapies for acute migraine in pregnancy? Journal
of Family Practice, 54(11), 992-5.
Damen, L., Bruijn, J., Koes, B.W., Berger, M.Y., Passchier,
J., & Verhagen, A.P. (2006). Prophylactic
treatment of migraine in children: Part 1. A systematic
review of nonpharmacological trials. Cephalalgia,
26(4), 373-383.
Devineni, T., & Blanchard, E.B. (2005). A randomized
controlled trial of an internet-based treatment for
chronic headache. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(3),
Hermann, C., & Blanchard, E.B. (2002). Biofeedback in
the treatment of headache and other childhood
pain. Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, 27(2),
Kaushik, R., Kaushik, R.M., Mahajan, S.K., & Rajesh, V.
(2005). Biofeedback-assisted diaphragmatic
breathing and systematic relaxation versus propranolol in
long term prophylaxis of migraine.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 13(3), 165-174.
Labbe, E.E. (1995). Treatment of childhood migraine with
autogenic training and skin temperature
biofeedback: A component analysis. Headache, 35(1), 10-13.
Martin, P.R., Forsyth, M.R., & Reece, J. (2007).
Cognitive-behavioral therapy versus temporal pulse
amplitude biofeedback training for recurrent headache.
Behavior Therapy, 38(4), 350-363.
McGrady, A., Wauquier, A., McNeil, A., & Gerard, C.
(1994). Effect of biofeedback-assisted relaxation
on migraine headache and changes in cerebral blood flow
velocity in the middle cerebral artery.
Headache, 34(7), 424-428.
Nestoriuc, Y., & Martin, A. (2007). Efficacy of
biofeedback for migraine: A meta-analysis. Pain, 128(1-
2), 111-127.
Rokicki, L.A., Holroyd, K.A., France, C.R., Lipchik, G.L.,
France, J.L., & Kvaal, S.A. (1997). Change
mechanisms associated with combined relaxation/EMG
biofeedback training for chronic tension
headache. Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, 22(1),
Rokicki, L.A., Houle, T.T., Dhingra, L.K., Weinland, S.R.,
Urban, A.M., & Bhalla, R.K. (2003). A
preliminary analysis of EMG variance as an index of change
in EMG biofeedback treatment of tensiontype
headache. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 28(3),
Silberstein, S.D. (2000). Practice parameter: Evidence-based
guidelines for migraine headache (an
evidence-based review): Report of the quality standards
subcommittee of the American Academy of
Neurology. Neurology, 55, 754-762.
Trautmann, E., Lackschewitz, H., & Kroner-Herwig, B.
(2006). Psychological treatment of recurrent
headache in children and adolescents — a meta-analysis.
Cephalalgia, 26(12), 1411-1426.
Vasudeva, S., Claggett, A.L., Tietjen, G.E., & McGrady,
A.V. (2003). Biofeedback-assisted relaxation in
migraine headache: Relationship to cerebral blood flow
velocity in the middle cerebral artery. Headache,
43(3), 245-50.
Verhagen, A.P., Damen, L., Berger, M.Y., Passchier, J.,
Merlijn, V., & Koes, B.W. (2005). Conservative
treatments of children with episodic tension-type headache:
A systematic review. Journal of Neurology,
252(10), 1147-1154.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2012

and Stress Management for Young People
People don’t
get stressed all at once.  It usually
happens over a period of time.  
According to the Centers for Disease Control as much as 75%-90% of
doctor visits are stress related.  Many
of the illnesses that are caused by stress are the results of the long-term
reactions the body has to stress.  As
adults we have been dealing with stress for a long time.  Most people probably have not learned
effective stress management earlier in life. 
Wouldn’t it be better if people were taught stress management as children
or young adults?  This could help minimize
some of the stress related illnesses that might normally develop later in life
like hypertension, diabetes, tension headaches, digestive problems, neck pain,
back pain and more.
After more
than a year of thinking and talking about it I finally started an after-school
biofeedback program for students of my local high school – Ossining High
School.  This is the school that I
graduated from in 1984.  That was also
the place I originally met Adam Crane who introduced me to biofeedback.  He came to the school and demonstrated
biofeedback to my class.  I was instantly
interested in this amazing technology that was able to detect and give feedback
on responses the body has to what we are thinking.  Along with my contact Martin McDonald at
Ossining High School we selected a group of students who were interested in
improving their grades. 
We had a
meeting with the students and their parents to describe the program that I was
proposing to start.  A small group decided
to be part of the initial group to go through the program.  The program starts with an intake and
psychophysiological stress assessment including Surface EMG, Skin Temperature,
Skin Conductance, Respiration, and Heart Rate/Blood Volume Pulse/Heart Rate
Variability.  This is followed by
peripheral biofeedback training sessions including Surface EMG, Skin
Temperature, Skin Conductance, Respiration, and Heart Rate/HRV.  The next step is a series of baseline EEG
recordings from CZ, C3, and C4 (Ten-20) scalp placements and a series of SMR
EEG training sessions.
Once this is
completed we will have group meetings to discuss ongoing stress management and
attention training practice.  Follow up
booster sessions will also be scheduled. 

My goals are
to help the students improve their grades and as a side benefit decrease their
chances of developing stress related disorders later in life.
So far the
students are doing well with their training and are reporting that they believe
that they are able to manage stressful situations better than before.
I have been
approached by a few people who are having difficulty getting their BCIA certification
experience requirements completed.  The
reasons usually are that they don’t have equipment yet and or they don’t have
any clients that they can work on.  I am
opening up a few spots for opportunities to work on clients through this and
other programs for people in this situation. 
I am supplying the clients, equipment, and supplies.  Anyone who is interested can contact me.  I look forward to reporting results from this
program.  I also plan to continue and
expand the program to include a larger number of students in the future.
Biofeedback Resources International

Friday Feb 10, 2012

Up to 90% of the doctor visits in the USA may be triggered by a stress-related illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Biofeedback is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of stress.  Why is that important?  Because stress can make you sick and can even lead to death if uncontrolled.  We can learn to do something about stress.  Biofeedback helps you to control things like your heart rate, muscle tension, and brainwaves.  Your body should normally recover from stress reactions quickly and return to a normal, balanced state.  That doesn’t always happen.  Biofeedback measures how much change there is and in what direction it is.  You can then use biofeedback to measure the effects of techniques like guided relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation to see the positive effects and the return to a balanced state.
Here is a link to a good presentation on stress and illness:
Here is an example of how stress can affect health.  Stress probably played a part in the quick death of former coach of the Penn State University football team Joe Paterno. 
Although he was at an advanced age he was still coaching up to a few months before he passed.  I strongly doubt that he would have passed so soon.  Imagine after such a record breaking, long career and the honor he received, to be fired and have his career end in a cloud of scandal.  Now that’s stress.  Here is an article that talks about it more.
Harry L. Campbell  (healthcare professionals)   (general public)

Body Position Affects Mood

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009

Did you know that your body position can affect your mood?
Erik Peper, Ph.D. discusses this while teaching a BCIA Certification biofeedback seminar in 2008 in Chicago.  Watch the video.
For more information on seminars taught by Erik Peper visit :


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